Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hammers are our friends....

So back we went to the new space today to rip up more carpet. I was so sad and feeling sore and not really looking forward to the job at hand. Leslie calls and says she is going to be late. So as not to feel useless I went after the remaining rug on my own. I started on it with the tools that we nicknamed the "Rage Machines" -- basically, big razors on handles. No real progress.

I decide to tilt the odds in my favor tonight by taking out my hammer. I pound on the handle of the Rage Machine with my hammer. I succeed only in busting up Rage Machine's handle. Finally frustrated by the whole process, I take the hammer to the rug itself. Miracle of miracles it pulls it right up. I move on, elated by my progress and new found power. I am a rug removing machine.

Leslie shows up, we find another hammer and become two rug removing machines. Unbelievably, we remove the remaining rug in about an hour and a half. The super nice Joe at Roslindale Hardware allows us some room in his dumpster and the stuff is gone, gone, gone....

This only goes to show us that hammers are one of the world's most perfect tools.

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