Sunday, June 15, 2008

Second Day Activities

Banged a right at the "Gas and Grub" to make my way to the Carriage House for day two of our herbal conference. Like the previous day  another flood of information was unleashed onto our heads. Another great learning day. We talked about formulating herbal remedies and how to address pest/parasite issues in a more holistic way. We talked a lot about changing the way in which we view health and healing - about taking a real, whole view of all the beings involved.

I've gotta tell you kids, the once a month flea and tick insecticides are SO NOT OK for your pet, you, or the environment. PLEASE, PLEASE THINK ABOUT THEM BEFORE YOU USE THEM. They are not good things.

Lots of stuff to talk you all about when I get back
when I can once again form coherent sentences.

Took a break today and made our way to the Farmer's Market in downtown Hamilton. It was very cool and I was happy to locate an Emu farm from which we can source fresh Emu oil. This is great stuff, this Emu oil goo. It's been used for many years as a skin healing treatment and as a pain reliever for joint and muscle disorders. The question is, do Emu run in packs? Herds? Flocks? Gaggles? Gangs? I'll look into it.

Notes and Observations:

I feel utterly compelled to drive fast and turn up the radio here. Don't tell the other Lisa.

Favorite sign of the day.

1 comment:

Agatha and Archie said...

Ya know I was just thinking,where oh where in Boston can I get a cowboy hat,drive my huge pickup truck,get me some cow dung,and stock up on emu oil...seems as if I am in the wrong place I guess....Am VERY interested in all the allergy stuff as someone( named Archie) seems to be getting them!!(of course who else?)Can't wait to hear all about your new learning! Love Diana and Agatha and Archie