Saturday, September 23, 2006

A tough week

This has been a pretty tough week for us because of the loss of our dear, dear Marley. We feel a tremendous loss and our other dog Mary, keeps looking around for him, and sniffing all his places. Unfortunately, we were not able to let her say a final good bye to him, so we think she might be a little confused, and certainly depressed, about what exactly has happened.

One bright spot in all of this though, has been the incredible love and support we have felt from our friends and customers. We've shared tears and stories about Marley. People have sent emails and cards. They've brought flowers and food. We are truly touched by how generously people have given of themselves, and we can't find the words to thank you all enough.

We're happy to know that our "little man" brought joy into others' lives as much as he brought joy into ours.

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