Sunday, April 09, 2006

Rescue Remedy use in animals

The following information is taken from "Bach Flower Remedies for Animals" written by Helen Graham and Gregory Vlamis.

In the section on dosages, it says: "Flower essences (FEs) are administered in drops, a single drop at a time. They are normally given by mouth. Five days is the average period of treatment, although they can be continued for two weeks or longer. Dosage varies with the particular situation and the animal species being treated. The standard dose is 4 drops. More drops are not harmful, but wasteful. Fewer drops can be used if the animal is quite small (squirrels, hamsters, rabbits). For large breeds of dogs (St. Bernards, Great Danes), sheep and goats, 6 drops should be given. Horses and cows get 10-15 drops. These can be given as often as necessary but at least four times daily. Drops can be applied directly on or under the animal's tongue, dropped onto the nose to be licked off, or rubbed into the gums or lips. They also can be added to water, food, treats, etc., but this is not as reliable because you can't monitor the exact amount they are taking. You can also mix with water and spray it on the skin or in the air surrounding the animal. You can add it to lotions and apply it topically to the skin or fur, pulse points, or other soft cavities of the body (under the leg or arm) - I put it inside their ears sometimes.
You can also bathe the dog with water containing a few drops of FEs. They respond with great immediacy to the correct essences. If there is no apparent change after five days, you are using the wrong remedy. FEs are safe to take in combination with each other and with any other medications - allopathic or homeopathic. They are harmless, and overdose is impossible. If you administer the wrong essence, it will simply have no effect."

Rescue Remedy and other Bach Flower Essences can be purchased at The Pet Cabaret.

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