Friday, March 31, 2006

Supplements for animals

Just a quick thought on vitamin/mineral supplementation in the diets of our canine/feline/equine/small animal pals...

We encourage people to add fresh, unprocessed foods to companion animal diets. Things like raw or lightly steamed chopped vegetables, cottage cheese, yogurt, and fatty fishes like canned mackerel or salmon make wonderful additions to an animal's diet. Things like leftover Chinese take-out or pizza do not.

We also feel as though supplementation is an important part of a healthy animal diet. There are some really great products on the market today and we carry a number of them.
Products by The Wholistic Pet, Wysong, and Animal Essentials have all proven to be effective for us and our customes as we work to get and keep our pets healthy.

We've had especially good luck relieving some of the pain and limited mobility of older pets with joint problems. Also remember that flea and tick season will soon be on us and an animal with a robust immune system repels fleas and ticks much more effectively than an unhealthy animal.

Even the best of diets is sometimes lacking in a complete spectrum of nutrients, so please consider a good quality supplement in your pet's diet.

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