We're back from vacation where all went well but I think we're feeling as though we never left. Forgive us if we seem a touch crazier than usual.
Oh, the plane thing...the one about the other plane using the "other runway". Well, turns out the other pilot DID NOT get the "use the other runway" memo.
So here's what happened - the pilot, as I mentioned previously, tells us to "pay no attention" to the other plane that we may see on the right side of the plane.
OK then, fair enough, I think, he knows it's there, so I should refrain from any back seat driving.
We begin our descent towards the runway which I am happily watching on the little mappy thing that Virgin so thoughtfully provides on the screen on the seat in front of me. I am watching our descent, watching the numbers go down...we are at 2000 feet, 1000 feet, 500 feet, 161 feet....523 feet!
Weeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Up we go again! Really, really UP! Like in a straight line kinda 90 degree angle kinda up... kinda just a tad too rapidly for most people's taste kinda up...
The cabin of the plane falls eerily silent. Randy, Lisa S's brother and one of our traveling companions, turns and shoots me a look which causes me to laugh hysterically and of course, probably utterly inappropriately.
I avoid looking at the other Lisa at all costs. She is, suffice it to say, not a good flyer.
The guy next to me hasn't let go of my arm yet.
The other Lisa announces that if we smell something questionable in the cabin in the next few minutes, it is probably coming from her.
The pilot gets on the intercom and tells us that the other pilot was "disoriented" and that we would be using another runway on our second approach to SFO.
I wish like Hell that I could hear the conversation in the cockpit. You know it's a good one.